Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Anything and Everything Whales.

Beautiful Humpback Whale spotted off Osa Peninsula. 
Have you ever seen a whale? Like actually looked at one? The size, the movement, the mechanics, It is so fascinating to me that this HUGE three bus length marine life creature can live underwater so gracefully, and have a diet of tiny plankton. The whale is my favorite animal and I have been in love with them for most of my life actually. Something about the shape is comforting to me and the water/ beach is where I have always wanted to spend my life. I started watching Whale Wars which is an Anti-whaling show where a group of protestors try to stop Japan from their whaling ‘traditions’, when I was really young and at those moments my inspiration grew. I thought if these people can fight for their cause then so can I. I then later decided instead of trying to get into danger and the trouble with the law, why not open and maine life sanctuary or work at one, that is my true dream and it has all really come from my love from whales. When you think of a whale you often think of the ocean. To me the ocean is one of the most beautiful things on this earth; the creatures, the mysteries, there is so much to learn and new stuff is discovered everyday. So the blog page I am to start writing will be exactly on this, Anything and everything whale related. 

Minke Whale Original by the famous American Artist Marcia Baldwin