Thursday, May 23, 2013

Goodbye Whale Babys.

     This will be my final post for this blog. I have never enjoyed a subject matter so much and It really was a joy to write about something I love so much on a regular day basis. Although I hope people don't take me lightly when I talk about the whales and their extinction, It will be here sooner then anyone would have wanted or expected if we continue to whale, and use fish nets how we are currently. Get involved and help save our future whale babies. I thank you all for reading my blog, or even just a post or two. Blogging has helped me as a writer really research and get involved completely with a subject and learn  creativity to find new things to say about the same subject matter for many recurring posts.

     One day I plan on having another Whale blog but hopefully all of my own findings and explorations with whales. It is something I want to make a career out of and I know I have that will power to make it happen. So see you on Discovery Channel and Animal Planet one day, and remember with every whale that dies thats 40 million krill that will survive, Krill-Tastrophe!  
                      SAVE THE WHALES!

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